
Vilt, uberørt, eksklusivt og fullt av dyreliv: velkommen til Botswana
Botswana er et stort og meget tynt befolket land, og for det meste ørken men med de mest produktive våtmarker i Afrika. En reise til Botswana er vel verdt innsatsen som kreves for å kunne oppleve denne afrikanske magien.
Eksklusiv turisme ble skapt i Botswana, men landet snudde ikke bare ryggen til masseturismen og de ulemper denne kunne bringe til landet. Formålet var å bevare resursene og innflytelsen en mengde turister ville påført nasjonalparkene. Det finnes selvsagt muligheter for å oppleve dette unike landet uten at det skal koste 10-talls tusen kroner, men Botswana er laget for de som ønsker å oppleve villmarken i en uberørt tilstand. Det er derfor du finner de mest luksuriøse lodger i nettopp Botswana,  men husk at en høy pris ikke nødvendigvis gir deg flere dyre opplevelser. Du må heler velge dine bosteder etter hva du har lyst til å oppleve. 
Velsignet med noen av de største dyre ansamlinger på jorden, gjør at Botswana en av de store safari destinasjoner i Afrika.

  • Kalahari ørkenen: er den største ubrutte strekning av sand på jorden, er ikke din vanlige ørken. Fra saltslettene i Makgadikgadio, baobab trærne på Nxai Pans, og fra den praktfulle Kubu Island i nord, til det fantastiske dyrelivet i Kgalagadi i sør, har denne ørkenen en eksepsjonell variasjon. Sleng inn noen fossile elvedaler, svaiende gyllent gress, sort-manede løver og ekkoene fra den etniske urbefolkningen San-folket i det sentrale Kalahari Game Reserve og du skal lete lenge etter en mer imponerende stykke med sand!
  • Okavango deltaet: det er ikke noe sted i verden (med kanskje unntak av Masai Mara & Serengeti) hvor ville dyr fortsatt er i flertall og hvor de store rovdyrene styrer iver liv og død, hvor du finner verdens største ansamling av elefanter i en av de siste store villmarkene i verden. Okavango delta er synonym med overflod av antall dyr og ikke minst arter, for fuglelivet og oversvømmelser av bibelske størrelser

Gjennomsnittstemperatur og nedbør for Botswana (Maun)
Måleenheter= ºC og mm/måned. Varmeste måned: oktober(28ºC) / Kaldeste måned: juli (17ºC) / Våteste måned: januar (45.4 mm) - Alle verdier basert perioden 2005-2015.

Hvordan er været i Botswana?
Klimaet i Botswana er typisk for det sørlige Afrika, men Botswana for langt mindre regn enn f.eks Sør Afrika og Mosambik. Botswana får det meste av nedbøren mellom desember og mars, med gjennomsnittstemperaturer på rundt 22-24°C. Ofte er det solfylte dager mens det brygger opp tordenskyer på ettermiddagene, og noen dager vil ha lavt skydekke. April & mai er generelt 2 gode måneder med klar himmel og grønt landskap. Temperaturene om natten begynner å nærme seg frost i denne perioden (spesielt i Kalahari). Fra juni til august kan det fort temperaturen komme under frysepunktet om natten. Himmelen er vanligvis klar dette er også høysesong i Botswana for safari opplevelser. Det er forholdsvis tørt og dyrene søker derfor etter vannkilder og det er generelt lettere å se ville dyr. I begynnelsen av september begynner temperaturen igjen å stige og det er enda tørrere og dyrene vil nå samle seg rundt de få resterende vannhullene som finnes og september og oktober er nok de beste for dyre opplevelser, men dag temperaturene kan komme opp mot 40ºC. November er vanskelig å forutsi men er en bra kombinasjon av lavere priser og fortsatt bra vær. Vannmengden i deltaet er på sitt høyeste i juli, mens oktober & november er den varmeste perioden. Desember måned er den våteste, men selv ikke i denne perioden vil du få lange perioder med regn.
Beste tiden å besøke Botswana
Det er egentlig ikke noen "beste årstid" for å se dyrelivet i Botswana. Botswanas nasjonalparker er mer eller mindre delt inn i 2 regioner / områder med Okavango deltaet & Chobe nasjonalpark nord for Maun og Kalahari ørkenområdet sør for Maun. Beste tiden generelt er etter vår mening i perioden mai til oktober, som er den tørre og til tider kalde åprstiden. Men safari opplevelsene er da meget bra. En annen perioden er november som har lavere priser og er en mellom sesong værmessig.
Valuta: Botswana pula (BBP) = 100 Thebe
Kostnadsnivå: Hva skal du betale for en safari er noe mange spør seg om? For det første er ikke dette noen billig reise, men det er ikke sikkert at du vil se mer dyr om du betaler for de dyreste lodgene (bush hoteller) siden det ikke er noen gjerder som hindrer dyrenes bevegelser i nasjonalparkene, det kommer til syvende sist ned til din guide og om dyrene vil spille på lag. Så hva skal du velge?
  • Lodge baserte safarier: Vær forberedt på å betale fra USD 400 og oppover per natt/person (noe lavere i perioden november til mars). I tillegg tilkommer da småfly inn og ut/mellom de ulike lodgene (fra rundt USD 200 per flyvning/person, men selvsagt avhengig av distansen. Den største forskjellen mellom en privat lodge og annet er at de fleste lodgene har tillatelse til å kjøre "off road" for de sjeldne dyrene og dermed øke sjansen betraktelig for nærkontakt med de fleste rovdyr, elefanter, neshorn etc, noe du ikke vil ha muligheten med på de billigere løsningene. Dette er klart det beste hvis du er en ivrig fotograf. Vår favoritt her er Selinda Explorers Camp (sis besøkt i 2014)
  • Mobile telt safarier - er en fin måte å se forskjellige regioner. Her finnes det en rekke ulike komfort nivåer og type telt som benyttes. Du finner alle disse mulighetene på vår søkemotor og priser ligger her fra rundt USD 220 per person/dag for en standard reise og fra USD 270 i komfort klasse. Alle turene mer det vi kaller "full service" hvor du ikke gjør noen ting selv og reisen er med små grupper (inntil 12 personer)
  • Overland ekspedisjoner - var den klassiske Afrika reisen i mange år. Her brukes noen ganger større biler (men ikke i Botswana), men selv om det er rettet mot et yngre publikum er det fortsatt mulig for godt voksne og barnefamilier å melde deg på en av disse turene, Prisene for en 10 dagers tur i Botswana ligger da fra rundt USD 130 per person/dag.
  • Kjør selv: selv om det er fullt mulig å kjøre selv er dette kun for de som er meget erfarne personer og som kan Afrika. Det finnes ingen backup med mobiltelefoner og du har egentlig null sjanse for å finne dyr.

Så valget er ikke lett. Ta derfor kontakt med oss slik at vi kan finne ut ikke bare hva som passer inn i ditt budsjett men også finne riktig sted for dine interesser og hvilken art du helst vil oppleve i det ville siden hver region tiltrekker seg ulike dyrearter

Hva er Botswana kjent for? Botswana er kanskje Afrikas mest imponerende safaridestinasjon og er som tatt rett ut av en David Attenborough dokumentar. Botswana har en del forskjellige regioner og har man tid bør man forsøke å få med seg både Kalahari regionen samt det som for mange er kjent under navnet Okavango Deltaet (som igjen er delt inn i 3 ulike og meget forskjellige regioner med selve delta området, Linyanti / Savuti og Chobe). De som kommer kommer til Botswana har normalt allerede vært på safarier i enten Øst Afrika eller Sør-Afrika siden Botswana aldri kan utfordre Øst-Afrika som den kanskje beste safariopplevelsen siden du vel aldri kan oppleve de mengder av dyr som du kan se i f.eks Masai Mara og Serengeti. Men hvorfor skal du da velge Botswana? dett er det "ekte" Afrika uten mengder av minibusser og turister og det er dette du betaler ekstra for kontra billigere safari løsninger andre steder i Afrika....du kjøper bort andre turister. Men for all del husk at dette er ville dyr og det er ikke et fåtall ganger vi har kjørt rundt i timevis i Botswana uten på se så mye som en liten fugl, men så rundt neste sving eksploderer det. Velkommen til vår flotteste safari destinasjon.
Sist besøkt av REISEbazaar: Opp gjennom årene har vi hatt gleden av å besøke Botswana stort sett hvert eneste år og vi vi fortsette å reise til dette fantastiske landet. For meg har det alltid vært en kjærlighet til villhunder og Botswana er et av deres siste barrikader. Så for meg vil det alltid være Selinda regionen i landet som trekker sammen med Savuti. Men opplevelsen med å være på safari er uansett det mektigste med en reise til Afrika og spesielt Botswana.

Se vår destinasjons video fra Botswana
Copyrigth: Szpilki Na Mapie

Se våre reiser til dette reisemålet



Acacia Tour
5-day Chobe and Victoria Falls

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: 22CV5

Reisen begynner: Victoria Falls

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

Enjoy a fantastic sunset cruise down the mighty Zambezi, watching hippos wallowing in the water, followed with a safari in Chobe National Park, renowned for its prolific elephant population. This short safari break is ideal for anyone with limited time looking to enjoy the top highlights in the Victoria Falls area.

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Acacia Tour
7-day Southern Africa Safari Accommodated

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: 22SAS7A

Reisen begynner: Victoria Falls

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

This accommodated tour visits the top highlights of Zimbabwe and the Chobe National Park in Botswana. It includes visiting a wild dog conservation project; game viewing in a game concession area adjacent to Zimbabwe's famous Hwange National Park; nature drives and walks with the rhinos at Matobo National Park; wandering the Khami Ruins and drifting along the Chobe River while watching the sunset and prolific wildlife.

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Acacia Tour
7-day Southern Africa Safari Camping

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: 22SAS7

Reisen begynner: Victoria Falls

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

This exciting 7- day Zimbabwe & Botswana small group tour provides the opportunity to encounter wild dogs, trek rhino on foot, visit the ancient Khami Ruins and enjoy magnificent wildlife sightings of the Chobe National Park.

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Okavango Experience

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UBOO

Reisen begynner: Johannesburg

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

See southern Africa's incredible waterfalls, rivers and inland canals on this ten-day overland adventure. Canoe down the lush waterways of the Okavango Delta, watch hippos wallowing along the shores of the Chobe River, take a sunset cruise to spot exotic birdlife, witness the mirage of Makgadikgadi Salt Pans and stand in awe at the crashing white water of Victoria Falls with a full free day to customise your experience. After cruising in a mokoro, you’ll spend a night at camp in the remote Okavango wilderness and fall asleep to the uninterrupted sounds of the wild. With early morning game drives to spot Africa’s iconic wildlife and expert guides with all the knowledge – this is set to be an experience of a lifetime.

Før  NOK 19 430 fra NOK 16 520 fly ikke inkludert



Premium Eastern and Southern Africa

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: YGPUC

Reisen begynner: Kigali

Reisen slutter: Windhoek

Embrace the adventure of a lifetime on a 37-day Premium journey through Africa. Enter the world of rare mountain gorillas in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, take in quintessential East Africa in the Masai Mara, search for wildlife in the Kruger National Park, be amazed by the showstopping Victoria Falls, search for a wealth of elephants in Chobe National Park and marvel at the desert landscapes of Swakopmund and Sossusvlei. From the forests of Uganda to the vast grasslands of Kenya to the national parks of Southern Africa and Botswana, and the otherworldly landscapes of Namibia, few places on the planet offer such spectacular diversity and wildlife.

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Southern Africa Adventure

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UXOGC

Reisen begynner: Cape Town

Reisen slutter: Johannesburg

Get set for an adventure packed with majestic wildlife, remote desert landscapes and natural wonders in southern Africa. This is the ultimate small-group adventure, from the stunning beauty of Cape Town and burnt orange sunsets over Namibia's Fish River Canyon to a river cruise through Chobe National Park. Get set to canoe down the Okavango Delta, embark on a game drives in Kruger and Etosha national parks and admire the raw power of Victoria Falls from multiple angles. With plenty of time to explore at your own pace, plus a local crew with all the best advice, see this chunk of Africa with ease and independence in 30 unforgettable days.

fra NOK 49 020 fly ikke inkludert



Johannesburg to Kenya

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UBOAC

Reisen begynner: Johannesburg

Reisen slutter: Nairobi

Marvel at the crashing white water of Victoria Falls, cruise the sprawling Okavango Delta and stake out natural waterholes in the Khama Rhino Sanctuary. This 37-day adventure is your ticket to diverse offerings and immersive experiences throughout Africa. Witness Ngorongoro Crater and the big cats of the Serengeti. Travel through verdant national parks and remote highland villages. Come face-to-face with wild animals and explore landscapes rich in natural beauty on this memorable journey across Africa’s south to the eastern plains.

Før  NOK 71 575 fra NOK 64 415 fly ikke inkludert



Essential Botswana

Passer for: Kun voksne

Turkode: UBYB

Reisen begynner: Johannesburg

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

Time to break out your best Attenborough impression – you’re going on a safari. This trip doesn’t skimp on the savannah, but it mainly follows the rivers and watering holes that sustain life (human and wild) throughout Africa. Drive across the sands of the Kalahari Desert in search of rhinos, then spot elephants and warthogs while you cruise down the Okavango Delta in a dugout mokoro canoe. Camp on the floodplains of the Kwando River, and search for wildlife in Chobe National Park.

Før  NOK 13 970 fra NOK 12 575 fly ikke inkludert



Kiboko Adventures
Great Trek Adventure - Southbound

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: GTS

Reisen begynner: Victoria Falls

Reisen slutter: Cape Town

This tour offers an abundance of scenic, wildlife and cultural attractions. Explore the sights of Cape Town; view the mighty Augrabies Falls and Fish River Canyon; search for wild animals of the Kgalagaladi and Etosha National Parks; walk the highest sand dunes of the world in the Namib Desert; walk, boat and mokoro in the untamed beauty of the Okavango Delta; witness a sunset with many animals along the Chobe River ending with the unforgettable sight of Victoria Falls - experience this exciting route on a comfortable fully serviced camping safari!

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Premium Kenya & Southern Africa In Depth

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: YGPCC

Reisen begynner: Nairobi

Reisen slutter: Windhoek

Embrace the adventure of a lifetime on a 31-day Premium journey through Africa. Take in quintessential East Africa in the Masai Mara, search for wildlife in the Kruger National Park, be amazed by the showstopping Victoria Falls, search for a wealth of elephants in Chobe National Park and marvel at the desert landscapes of Swakopmund and Sossusvlei. From the vast grasslands of Kenya to the national parks of Southern Africa and Botswana, and the otherworldly landscapes of Namibia, few places on the planet offer such spectacular diversity and wildlife.

fra NOK 286 490 fly ikke inkludert



G Adventures
Delta & Falls Discoverer

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: DZDF

Reisen begynner: Victoria Falls

Reisen slutter: Windhoek

Journey from Zimbabwe and Botswana and into Namibia on an incredible African adventure that includes the elephants of Chobe National Park and the mist of the thundering Victoria Falls. Meet San Bushmen in the blazing Kalahari and explore the Okavango Delta by traditional mokoro canoe. With a knowledgeable CEO at the helm and experiences that reflect local customs and traditions, including overnight stays in community lodges and tents, this tour is the trip of a lifetime.

fra NOK 26 405 fly ikke inkludert



G Adventures
Botswana & Victoria Falls Adventure

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: DADF

Reisen begynner: Windhoek

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

This Classic trip showcases some of the best that Africa has to offer. Journey from Namibia, across Botswana and on to Zimbabwe on an authentic African adventure that includes the elephants of Chobe National Park. Meet San Bushmen in the blazing Kalahari and explore the Okavango Delta by mokoro canoe. This adventure includes a night camping in the Delta for a bedtime you'll never forget.

fra NOK 26 995 fly ikke inkludert



G Adventures
Southern Africa Overland: Canoes & Camp-Outs

Passer for: Kun voksne

Turkode: DAVV

Reisen begynner: Victoria Falls

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

Now's the time to explore Africa on your terms with this tour that's affordable for young travellers. Wildlife, wilderness, and wow-worthy camp outs make up this 15-day exploration of South Africa, Botswana, and Zimbabwe. Hop aboard one of our Landos (overland adventure vehicle) and go searching for the "big five" in Kruger National Park, check out Victoria Falls, and look for rhinos on-foot in Matobo National Park. Don’t let anything extra get between you and the expansive scenery – camp out, sing songs around the fire with locals, and travel by mokoro canoe. When you're down here, the more time spent outside, the better.

fra NOK 25 820 fly ikke inkludert



G Adventures
Delta & Falls Westbound: Natural Wonders & Wildlife

Passer for: Kun voksne

Turkode: DZFO

Reisen begynner: Victoria Falls

Reisen slutter: Windhoek

Now's the time to explore Africa on your terms with this tour that's affordable for young travellers. Eight days and endless adventure await you on this compact yet epic journey through Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Namibia. Spot hippos, crocodiles, and elephants wallowing in the water at Chobe National Park, learn about wilderness survival skills from local San people, and watch the stars light up the sky above as you settle into a wildnerness camp in the heart of the continent. In Africa, the best adventures can come in small packages.

fra NOK 15 250 fly ikke inkludert



G Adventures
Dunes, Deltas & Falls Discoverer

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: DZDD

Reisen begynner: Victoria Falls

Reisen slutter: Cape Town

This 18-day journey through four African countries hits the highlights and is perfect for the adventurer who wants to discover the region’s diversity. Explore the Okavango Delta by traditional mokoro canoe, marvel at some of the highest sand dunes in the world in the Namib Desert, and meet the San Bushmen of the Kalahari. Your knowledgeable CEO will take care of the hassles and planning while you recharge in hotels, local lodges, and camps for a once-in-a-lifetime cultural experience you'll forever treasure.

fra NOK 50 475 fly ikke inkludert



Botswana Highlights

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UBSZ

Reisen begynner: Victoria Falls

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

On this nine-day wildlife-filled adventure, you’ll get to see Botswana’s inland delta, herds of elephants and the world's largest salt pans! Starting and ending in Zimbabwe's Victoria Falls and dipping into Namibia's Caprivi region, this trip celebrates both the natural and cultural highlights of Botswana. You’ll stay in a lodge overlooking a watering hole frequented by elephants, watch hippos wallowing along the shores of the Chobe River and paddle through the Okavango Delta in a traditional dug-out canoe. If it's a diversity of landscapes, wildlife and cultures you're after, then this is the ultimate trip for you!

Før  NOK 27 825 fra NOK 23 645 fly ikke inkludert



Experience Southern Africa

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UBSCC

Reisen begynner: Johannesburg

Reisen slutter: Johannesburg

Explore Southern Africa, embarking from Johannesburg and journeying through the Kruger National Park, and Victoria Falls, before circling back to South Africa via the Okavango Delta, and the Khama Rhino Sanctuary. This adventure promises golden sunsets, remote wilderness camping, thrilling safaris, and serene river cruises teeming with iconic wildlife. Traverse South Africa, Botswana, and Zimbabwe and be amazed by powerful waterfalls, enchanted by encounters with endangered species and inspired by the resilience of local communities. Immerse yourself in Southern Africa and depart with newfound inspiration and cherished memories to last a lifetime.

Før  NOK 46 905 fra NOK 37 525 fly ikke inkludert



G Adventures
Southern Africa Northbound: Dunes, Deltas & Falls

Passer for: Kun voksne

Turkode: DCF

Reisen begynner: Cape Town

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

Now's the time to explore Africa on your terms with this tour that's affordable for young travellers. Sand dunes, safari drives, and epic sunrises... all that and we've only scratched the surface on this 21-day tour of southwestern Africa. Visit the thunderous Victoria Falls, explore wildlife-rich deltas, and go camping overnight in the wilderness. Our Landos (overland adventure vehicles) get you close to all the action while local guides and Chief Experience Officers ensure each day goes off without a hitch.

fra NOK 27 580 fly ikke inkludert



G Adventures
Journeys: Botswana & Zimbabwe Safari

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: DZXNG

Reisen begynner: Victoria Falls

Reisen slutter: Maun

Experience an unforgettable wildlife adventure through some of southern Africa’s most spectacular national parks. Keep your camera at the ready to capture lions and elephants in Hwange National Park; fly to the pristine Okavango Delta for bush walks with expert local guides; and cruise along the waters of the Chobe River to watch elephants drink and hippos bathe along the shore.

fra NOK 68 090 fly ikke inkludert



G Adventures
Southern Africa Encompassed: Bush Camps & Wildlife Spotting

Passer for: Kun voksne

Turkode: DAJJ

Reisen begynner: Johannesburg

Reisen slutter: Johannesburg

Now's the time to explore Africa on your terms with this tour that's affordable for young travellers. When it comes to raw, in-your-face wildness, South Africa, Botswana, and Zimbabwe is where it's at — and from the vantage of our rugged Lando, even more spectacular. Witness traditional dancing, explore the Okavango Delta with a wildlife walk and bush camping, track wildlife on foot in Zimbabwe’s Matobo National Park, and capture the "big five" (in photo form, of course) in South Africa’s Kruger National Park, while camping keeps you close to the incomparable scenery. This quick tour isn't simply a taste of Africa; it's a full-course meal — with seconds.

fra NOK 25 820 fly ikke inkludert



G Adventures
Serengeti, Falls & Cape Town Overland: Sunsets & Safaris

Passer for: Kun voksne

Turkode: DKNC

Reisen begynner: Nairobi

Reisen slutter: Cape Town

Now's the time to explore Africa on your terms with this tour that's affordable for young travellers. Eight countries, 40 days, one helluva good time — this epic overland adventure takes you from Kenya down towards Africa's southerly tip. See some of the world's highest sand dunes, float through the Okavango Delta, and meet the San people in the blazing Kalahari Desert. Camping under Africa’s big sky will get you closer to the land while our Landos (overland adventure vehicles) get you from the wilderness to rural villages and cities in the best way possible.

fra NOK 59 870 fly ikke inkludert



G Adventures
Southern Africa Southbound: Dunes, Deltas & Falls

Passer for: Kun voksne

Turkode: DZLD

Reisen begynner: Victoria Falls

Reisen slutter: Cape Town

Now's the time to explore Africa on your terms with this tour that's affordable for young travellers. Culture? Check. Epic scenery? In spades. Animals? You bet. This 21-day tour is the ultimate expedition into southwestern Africa. Experience wildlife safari drives, leave footprints on the world's highest sand dunes, wonder at the majesty of Victoria Falls, and canoe through wildlife-rich deltas. Our overland adventure vehicles (OAVs) are an adventurous and inexpensive way to see the highlights while wilderness camping gets you closer to the region’s wildlife. Drift off to sleep to the call of cranes and awake to the rustle of elephants grazing on nearby riverbanks. It's better than any meditation soundtrack you've ever heard.

fra NOK 26 405 fly ikke inkludert



G Adventures
Cape Town to the Serengeti: Deserts & Wilderness

Passer for: Kun voksne

Turkode: DCN

Reisen begynner: Cape Town

Reisen slutter: Nairobi

Now's the time to explore Africa on your terms with this tour that's affordable for young travellers. Keen to check off eight countries as "been there" and journey across nearly half of the African continent? Well, give us 40 days and we'll take you on this epic overland adventure. Marvel at the world's highest sand dunes, float through the Okavango in a dugout "mokoro" canoe, and meet the San People in the blazing Kalahari Desert. You'll soak up vibrant colours, culture, and scenery from the southern tip of Africa up to Kenya. Take the road less travelled and come away with jaw-dropping photos and a deeper understanding of this incredible corner of the globe.

fra NOK 62 215 fly ikke inkludert



G Adventures
Botswana and Falls Overland: Wildlife Walks & Safari Drives

Passer for: Kun voksne

Turkode: DAJL

Reisen begynner: Johannesburg

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

Now's the time to explore Africa on your terms with this tour that's affordable for young travellers. If you think eight days isn't enough to see Southern Africa, you're right. Kinda. We did our very best with this compact, action-packed itinerary that lets you soak up the wildlife, vibrant colours, and scenery of Zimbabwe, Botswana, and South Africa with wildlife walks and plenty of options for safari drives. Your rugged Lando (overland adventure vehicle) will get you to the sites safely and camping lets you to fall asleep to the sounds of the wild underneath big African skies. Actually, maybe eight days is enough.

fra NOK 12 905 fly ikke inkludert



G Adventures
Southern Africa Overland: Cape Town, Falls & Kruger

Passer for: Kun voksne

Turkode: DATJ

Reisen begynner: Cape Town

Reisen slutter: Johannesburg

Now's the time to explore Africa on your terms with this tour that's affordable for young travellers. Like action, adventure, and wildlife documentaries? Then you’re going to love this trip. The itinerary reads like a special double-issue of your favourite travel mag: towering sand dunes, impossibly deep canyons, wildlife safari drives in Etosha, Kruger, and Matobo National Parks, the bone-shaking roar of Victoria Falls, traditional dinner and dance, campouts under a sprawling blanket of stars — and that’s just the start! With expert CEOs (Chief Experience Officers) and loads of optional activities available, you’ll run out of time before you run out of things to do, see, and experience.

fra NOK 40 495 fly ikke inkludert



G Adventures
Ultimate Africa: Safari Drives & the Savannah

Passer for: Kun voksne

Turkode: DSUA

Reisen begynner: Cape Town

Reisen slutter: Nairobi

Now's the time to explore Africa on your terms with this tour that's affordable for young travellers. 55 days may sound like a lot of time, but once you reach south and east Africa, you'll see there's a lifetime of epic landscapes, rare wildlife, and unique people to meet and discover. Track the "big five" across open savanna, explore the Okavango Delta in a traditional mokoro canoe, and encounter gorillas deep in the Ugandan wilderness to get a real feel for how large Africa truly is. Travel comfortably aboard our overland adventure vehicle, the Lando, and enjoy wilderness camping that will bring you closer to the region’s wildlife. Try not to blink, the time will fly by.

fra NOK 102 725 fly ikke inkludert



G Adventures
Johannesburg to Nairobi Overland: Waterfalls & Beaches

Passer for: Kun voksne

Turkode: DAJB

Reisen begynner: Johannesburg

Reisen slutter: Nairobi

Now's the time to explore Africa on your terms with this tour that's affordable for young travellers. Tuck into a meaty month of adventure as you embark on an epic overland journey from Johannesburg to Nairobi, crossing the stunning wilderness of seven countries in between. Track Africa’s "big five" on safari drives in the Serengeti and Ngorongoro and head to the Okavango Delta for a wildlife walk and mokoro canoe excursion. Inhale the mists of Victoria Falls and the fragrant air of spice plantations in Zanzibar. You'll make your discoveries from a rugged Lando, ready to take on any adventure. Hop in for a ride you won't want to hop off.

fra NOK 46 955 fly ikke inkludert



Premium Southern Africa

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UBPK

Reisen begynner: Sandton

Reisen slutter: Kasane

Experience an abundance of wilderness, wildlife and waterfalls on an eight-day Premium adventure through South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana. Spend three unforgettable days in Kruger National Park, cruise down the Zambezi River at sunset, marvel at the showstopping Victoria Falls and search for a wealth of elephants in Chobe National Park. From exhilarating game drives to nights spent under the stars, the glorious south of Africa has so much to fall in love with.

fra NOK 68 395 fly ikke inkludert



Amazing Southern Africa

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UBKEC

Reisen begynner: Cape Town

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

Travel to Africa and jump onboard an exhilarating journey through the magnificent nations of South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe. Southern Africa is bursting with a diverse array of wildlife, culture and landscapes - all waiting to be explored and celebrated. Travel through stunning scenery and watch as lush green landscapes give way to harsh desert dunes and rocky mountain peaks. Take to the water on mokoros and in a houseboat, embark on thrilling game drives, be immersed in unique ecosystems and be blown away by the sheer force of Victoria Falls. With welcoming locals and genuine experiences around every corner, this trip is full of surprises.

Før  NOK 100 270 fra NOK 85 230 fly ikke inkludert



Cape Town to Zanzibar

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UXOBC

Reisen begynner: Cape Town

Reisen slutter: Zanzibar

Travel from the southern tip of South Africa to Tanzania’s famous Spice Island on this epic Overland journey through Africa. Starting in Cape Town, head through remote deserts, rolling savannas and lush mountains; cruise delta waterways by canoe, feel the spray of the massive Victoria Falls and meet locals in rural villages. Take 4WD safari drives through three national parks in search of elephants, lions and hippos, relax on pristine beaches and sample local cuisine on this all-encompassing African adventure.

fra NOK 60 525 fly ikke inkludert



Chobe National Park Short Break

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UBCH

Reisen begynner: Kasane

Reisen slutter: Kasane

The Chobe National Park boasts one of the largest concentrations of game in Africa – elephants, buffalo, giraffe, antelope and so many other animals live, breed and eat here; and that’s not even mentioning the 460 bird species that have been recorded in the park. Experienced game drivers often pass up to 15 different species of animal on a single trail, allowing adventurers to spot anything from lions to hyenas, warthogs to the rare puku and beyond. Follow the call of the wild on this short trip through a land full of life.

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Explore Southern Africa

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UBOQC

Reisen begynner: Johannesburg

Reisen slutter: Johannesburg

Discover Southern Africa's waterways, national parks and the wildlife that calls them home on this 18-day adventure. Canoe down the lush waterways of the Okavango Delta, watch hippos wallowing along the shores of the Chobe River, safari in the vast parks of Hwange, Kruger and Matobo and sleep under the stars in campsites, a bush camp on the Delta, and a village homestay. Join an adventure through southern Africa’s most beautiful landscapes in search of elephants, lions, rhinos, warthogs and leopards.

Før  NOK 36 515 fra NOK 31 045 fly ikke inkludert



Premium Botswana

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UBPB

Reisen begynner: Kasane

Reisen slutter: Maun

Experience the wilderness and welcoming people of Botswana on a 7-day Premium adventure through its heart. Set out in search of wildlife on a series of game drives, cruise down the Zambezi River from the Namibian banks, drift through the endless channels of the Okavango Delta, and hang out with a family of meerkats at the Ntwetwe Salt Pans. From the rich diversity of Chobe National Park to the curious beauty of the Makgadikgadi Pans, Botswana’s natural wonders will take your breath away.

fra NOK 51 250 fly ikke inkludert



Johannesburg to Zanzibar

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UBOBC

Reisen begynner: Johannesburg

Reisen slutter: Zanzibar

Travel through South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Tanzania towards Zanzibar on this northbound overland adventure. Your 29 days will be spent getting up close to rare black and white rhinos at the Kharma Rhino Sanctuary, taking a traditional mokoro through the fertile waterways of the Okavango Delta, tracking rhinos on foot in Matobo National Park with expert trackers, admiring Victoria Falls from all angles, exploring the highland villages, clear-water lakes, ruins and wide-open plains of Zambia and Malawi, and winding up on the idyllic shores of Zanzibar. Local guides and a knowledgeable crew have got all your needs covered, plenty of time for independent activities will have you curious to see more, and a travel group eager to explore will ensure the epic memories made are shared.

Før  NOK 48 140 fra NOK 43 325 fly ikke inkludert



Botswana Adventure

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UBKF

Reisen begynner: Windhoek

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

Who says overland adventures through Africa can’t be comfortable? On this 10-day African journey, you’ll travel through Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe from Windhoek to Victoria Falls. Discover Botswana’s rich natural beauty, thrilling wildlife and fun locals. Experience exciting game drives through national parks looking out for elephants, impala and thousands of birds. Acclimatise to life aboard a houseboat and soak in the sunset every night from the comfortable deck. See ancient rock art and feel the power of Victoria Falls – one of the world’s natural wonders. Keeping comfort, ease and hospitality in mind along the way, this wildlife-focused adventure is a nature-lover's dream.

Før  NOK 56 360 fra NOK 47 905 fly ikke inkludert



G Adventures
Cape Town to Victoria Falls Adventure

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: DAFD

Reisen begynner: Cape Town

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

This 18-day journey through four African countries hits the highlights and is perfect for the adventurer who wants to discover the region’s diversity. Explore the Okavango Delta by traditional mokoro canoe, marvel at some of the highest sand dunes in the world in the Namib Desert, and meet the San Bushmen of the Kalahari. Your knowledgeable CEO (Chief Experience Officer) will take care of the hassles and planning while you recharge in hotels, local lodges, and camps for an unforgettable cultural experience you'll forever treasure.

fra NOK 51 065 fly ikke inkludert



Premium Botswana & Namibia

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UBPDC

Reisen begynner: Kasane

Reisen slutter: Windhoek

From ethereal landscapes to rich wildlife, experience the best of Botswana and Namibia on a 17-day Premium adventure. Look out for wildlife in Chobe National Park, cruise down the Zambezi River, hang out with a family of meerkats and admire the curious beauty of the Makgadikgadi Pans. Marvel at the desert landscapes of Swakopmund and Sossusvlei, uncover petrified forests in Damaraland and search for animals in the vast Etosha National Park. With the guidance of experienced local leaders along the way, discover two remarkable countries that will leave you in awe.

fra NOK 124 280 fly ikke inkludert



Kenya to Cape Town

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: YXOAC

Reisen begynner: Nairobi

Reisen slutter: Cape Town

Travel from Kenya to Cape Town through some of Africa’s most incredible sights on this jaw-dropping 48-day overland journey. Explore Kenya’s bustling capital, keep your eyes open for the Big Five in the vast savannas of the Serengeti, hike through lush mountain terrain and traverse sprawling desert plains in Namibia. Sample unique flavours, meet warm and welcoming local communities, relax beachside in Zanzibar, and prepare for an unforgettable southbound adventure through some of Africa's best.

fra NOK 85 065 fly ikke inkludert



Botswana Family Safari with Teenagers

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UWFB

Reisen begynner: Victoria Falls

Reisen slutter: Johannesburg

Embark on an action-packed, teen-friendly adventure in south-east Africa. See the thundering spectacle of Victoria Falls, say hello to some new friends at the Khama Rhino Sanctuary, explore the far-out Okavango Delta by traditional canoe and watch elephants drink from the Chobe River. Pack plenty of spare camera batteries, because this snap-happy trip, brimming with exciting animal encounters and landscapes like you’ve never seen, is one for the photo album.

fra NOK 23 070 fly ikke inkludert



Premium Kenya & Southern Africa Highlights

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: YGPSC

Reisen begynner: Nairobi

Reisen slutter: Kasane

Enjoy a front-row seat for the wonders of Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana on this 15-day Premium journey. From Nairobi, travel to the waters of lakes Naivasha and Nakuru, then discover the wildlife and landscapes of the Masai Mara from four-wheel drive Landcruisers. Meet Maasai warriors and learn about their way of life during a visit to a traditional village. Spend three unforgettable days in the Greater Kruger region, cruise down the Zambezi River at sunset, marvel at the showstopping Victoria Falls and search for a wealth of elephants in Chobe National Park. From exhilarating game drives to nights spent under the stars, this spectacular slice of Africa is sure to leave you in awe.

fra NOK 136 080 fly ikke inkludert



Africa Encompassed Southbound

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: YXOEC

Reisen begynner: Nairobi

Reisen slutter: Cape Town

Looking for Africa with the lot? Ask and you'll receive on this epic trip across ten countries in 63 unforgettable days. Get breathtakingly close to animals more often seen in zoos and nature documentaries, from endangered mountain gorillas and lumbering elephants to ferocious lions and tiny dik-dik antelope. Along the way, meet people from various cultures and communities: Zanzibar spice growers, Lake Malawi fishermen and San people. Nairobi to Cape Town and all the adventure in between – this trip will leave you amazed by the breadth of life and culture and the beauty of nature gracing this spectacular continent.

fra NOK 131 210 fly ikke inkludert



G Adventures
Delta & Falls Eastbound: Baobab Trees & River Views

Passer for: Kun voksne

Turkode: DNFO

Reisen begynner: Windhoek

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

Now's the time to explore Africa on your terms with this tour that's affordable for young travellers. This southern Africa experience might only be nine days long, but we've packed in enough adventure, cultural encounters, and straight-up wonderment you can relive for a lifetime. Feel the splash of the Okavango Delta from a dugout "mokoro" canoe and the mists of majestic Victoria Falls, meet the San People of the Kalahari Desert, and spot elephants in Chobe National Park. Wilderness camping keeps you in the thick of the action while travels aboard our Lando (overland adventure vehicle) ensure you don't miss a beat.

fra NOK 15 840 fly ikke inkludert



Johannesburg to Gorillas

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UBODC

Reisen begynner: Johannesburg

Reisen slutter: Nairobi

Africa’s all about the outdoors – rainforest, national parks, waterways, coastlines and a whole load of savanna. See the best of Africa’s natural attractions on a 52-day adventure from Johannesburg to Nairobi. Witness the power of Victoria Falls and the sprawling plains of the Serengeti, have close encounters with mountain gorillas and be warmed by the welcoming hospitality of locals in Malawi. Camp on balmy beaches in Tanzania, trek through steamy rainforests and mokoro down the Okavango in search of unique wildlife. Whether you’re spotting the Big Five, lazing on Zanzibar’s idyllic shores or interacting with Maasai warriors, this all-encompassing African journey will immerse you into the wild lands of Africa.

fra NOK 117 765 fly ikke inkludert



Premium Southern Africa in Depth

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UBPKC

Reisen begynner: Sandton

Reisen slutter: Maun

Uncover the true beauty of southern Africa on a 14-day Premium adventure through South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana. Spend three unforgettable days in the Greater Kruger region, cruise down the Zambezi River at sunset, marvel at the showstopping Victoria Falls and look out for a wealth of elephants in Chobe National Park. Set out in search of wildlife on a series of game drives, cruise down the Zambezi River, hang out with a family of meerkats at the Ntwetwe Salt Pans and admire the curious beauty of the Makgadikgadi Pans. With expert knowledge from local guides you’ll discover the best of this magnificent part of the world.

fra NOK 116 065 fly ikke inkludert



Cape Town to Kenya

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UXOAC

Reisen begynner: Cape Town

Reisen slutter: Nairobi

Travel from coast to coast and through the heart of southern Africa on a 49-day overland journey. Begin in beautiful Cape Town and voyage through desert landscapes, rolling savannas and lush mountainscapes. Cruise lakes and delta waterways and feel the spray of massive waterfalls. Spend time getting to know locals in rural villages and enjoying the buzzing city rhythms. From game drives in national parks full of iconic animals to enjoying the simple pleasure of lying on a pristine beach, this grand journey is the perfect way to discover everything that makes this part of the world so special.

fra NOK 84 010 fly ikke inkludert



Zanzibar to Cape Town

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: YXOBC

Reisen begynner: Zanzibar

Reisen slutter: Cape Town

Travel from Zanzibar's pristine coastline to the southern hub of Cape Town to see an array of amazing African vistas. Sample the exotic flavours of Africa's 'Spice Island', relax on Kande Beach at Lake Malawi, scale the sand dunes in Sossusvlei, glide through the Okavango Delta by local mokoro and keep your eyes peeled for elephants, hippos, crocodiles and lions on your multiple included game drives. With an expert local leader and a small group of eager travellers joining you each step of the way, this incredible adventure will open your eyes to the natural beauty of southern Africa.

fra NOK 61 585 fly ikke inkludert



G Adventures
Highlights of Southern Africa

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: DSCC

Reisen begynner: Cape Town

Reisen slutter: Cape Town

When you put the word “highlights” in the name of a trip, you better be confident that it lives up to the hype. This trip does. Across 30 epic days, you’ll go round-trip to Cape Town via Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Namibia — a new spin on one of our most popular routes — taking comfortable touring vehicles as well as staying in a mix of hotels and campsites for a well-rounded experience. Wildlife sightings and cultural moments come standard here — everything from searching for the "big five" in national parks to enjoying meals with local families. You’ve got memories made for a lifetime.

fra NOK 85 700 fly ikke inkludert



Okavango & Beyond

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: YBSB

Reisen begynner: Victoria Falls

Reisen slutter: Johannesburg

Soak up the sights and sounds of peaceful waterholes, meandering creeks and mighty rivers on this overland African adventure from Victoria Falls to Soweto. Calling all wildlife lovers! Some of the continent's most iconic animals call Southern Africa home, including elephants, rhinos, giraffes, hippos, crocodiles and ostriches. Explore the remote waterways of the extraordinary Okavango Delta in Botswana, be awed by the thunder of Zimbabwe's Victoria Falls and travel down the Chobe River at sunset as the animals come out to play. The contrast of Africa's wild plains and bustling cities makes for an enriching and thrilling travel experience.

Før  NOK 25 070 fra NOK 20 055 fly ikke inkludert



Cape Town to Vic Falls

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UXOF

Reisen begynner: Cape Town

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

Get set for an adventure packed with roaming wildlife, remote desert landscapes, semi-nomadic tribal communities and natural wonders – this is South Africa! From Cape Town, this 22-day overland adventure takes you on a ride through Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe. See a burnt orange sunset over Fish River Canyon, take a river cruise through Chobe National Park and canoe down the Okavango Delta. Embark on a game drive in Etosha National Park, look out for the Big Five and the endangered black rhino and feel the raw power of Victoria Falls on a journey filled with the very best of southern Africa.

fra NOK 31 465 fly ikke inkludert



Kruger to Vic Falls

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UBSA

Reisen begynner: Johannesburg

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

Encounter wildlife and waterfalls on this eight-day overland adventure that visits two of Southern Africa’s most famous sites – Kruger National Park and Victoria Falls. Spot lions, leopards, zebras and giraffes on safari through landscapes blessed with breathtaking natural beauty, then fall asleep to the sounds of the African night in your comfortable camp. Keep your eyes peeled for the Big Five in South Africa’s Kruger National Park, enjoy a bushwalk accompanied by members of the world's first all-female anti-poaching unit, The Black Mambas, and end an epic journey with Zimbabwe’s mighty Victoria Falls.

Før  NOK 23 250 fra NOK 18 600 fly ikke inkludert



Africa Encompassed Northbound

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: UXODC

Reisen begynner: Cape Town

Reisen slutter: Nairobi

Witness vast landscapes, natural wonders, towns rich in cultural traditions and modern cities humming with life on this epic journey through Africa. This 64-day odyssey takes you from cosmopolitan Cape Town to the bustling streets of Nairobi, travelling through immense canyons, green-clad mountains, gorgeous beaches and small villages. Encounter the sweeping beauty of the Serengeti, meet the San people, have close encounters with mountain gorillas and be warmed by Malawi. Camp on balmy beaches in Tanzania, trek through steamy rainforest and see cheeky chimps at play in Uganda. With unforgettable inclusions plus plenty of freedom, this adventure was designed for curious travellers with a strong independent streak.

fra NOK 130 210 fly ikke inkludert



G Adventures
Journeys: The Great Southern Africa Safari

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: DSBNG

Reisen begynner: Cape Town

Reisen slutter: Maun

Southern Africa harbours indescribable natural wonders: here, majestic creatures roam their native lands much as they have for centuries. Embark on an unforgettable safari adventure through South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana, travelling from the wilds of Kruger National Park to awe-inspiring Victoria Falls and the lush green waterways of the Okavango Delta. Watch for the African “big five” in the region’s finest wildlife reserves, meet with National Geographic–supported researchers in the field, and experience local life and culture in vibrant cities.

fra NOK 117 400 fly ikke inkludert



Kiboko Adventures
Botswana Adventure

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: BC13D

Reisen begynner: Victoria Falls

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

With its vast and diverse wildlife reserves, stunning landscapes, and rich cultural heritage, Botswana offers tourists an unforgettable travel experience. From the Okavango Delta, which is one of the world's largest inland deltas, to the Chobe National Park, home to the largest concentration of elephants in Africa, Botswana is a must-visit destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.

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G Adventures
Journeys: Southern Africa Safari Experience

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: DSSNG

Reisen begynner: Johannesburg

Reisen slutter: Maun

Witness some of nature’s greatest spectacles on safari in southern Africa’s celebrated national parks, including Kruger National Park and Chobe National Park. Enjoy an unforgettable wildlife walk with a local guide in the heart of the Okavango Delta, the world’s largest inland delta system and a UNESCO World Heritage site; drive through Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe searching for large herds of elephants; and sit down to a family dinner at a private home near Victoria Falls.

fra NOK 103 900 fly ikke inkludert



Kiboko Adventures
Delta & Wildlife Adventure

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: DW12D

Reisen begynner: Victoria Falls

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

Embark on a journey of discovery through Botswana's wildlife wonders. From the Okavango Delta to Chobe and Makgadikgadi Pans National Parks, witness incredible wildlife encounters amidst breathtaking landscapes. Experience the magic of Africa's safari culture while exploring the vastness of Kalahari Desert. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure filled with excitement and wonder!

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Bartman Travel
10 Days Botswana Safari

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: VFF10D

Reisen begynner: Kasane

Reisen slutter: Maun

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Kiboko Adventures
Namib to Falls Adventure - Southbound

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: WGTS

Reisen begynner: Victoria Falls

Reisen slutter: Windhoek

A modified version of our longer Great Trek Adventure, this tour offers an abundance of scenic, wildlife and cultural attractions. Walk the highest sand dunes in the world in the Namib Desert; see the wild animals of Etosha National Park; experience the untamed beauty of the Okavango Delta and relax along the Chobe River ending with the unforgettable sight of Victoria Falls - experience this exciting route on a fully serviced camping safari.

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Kiboko Adventures
Great Trek Adventure - Northbound

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: GTN

Reisen begynner: Cape Town

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

This tour offers an abundance of scenic, wildlife and cultural attractions. Explore the sights of Cape Town; view the mighty Augrabies Falls and Fish River Canyon; search for wild animals of the Kgalagaladi and Etosha National Parks; walk the highest sand dunes of the world in the Namib Desert; walk and mokoro in the beauty of the Okavango Delta; enjoy sunset and wild animals along the Chobe River ending with the unforgettable sight of Victoria Falls - experience this exciting route on a comfortable fully serviced camping safari! Tour is operated in a 16 seater overland vehicle. This tour is operated as a fully serviced camping tour where our 3 staff take care of all camp duties. We supply a camp bed, mattress, sleeping bag and small pillow.

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Real Southern Africa

Passer for: Kun voksne

Turkode: UBYSC

Reisen begynner: Johannesburg

Reisen slutter: Johannesburg

Four countries, eight national parks, 17 days, hundreds of animals and countless birds make this one unforgettable journey through the best of Southern Africa. Track rhinos at sunset in Zimbabwe, search for the Big Five in Kruger National Park, laze in the lagoons of the Okavango Delta in Botswana, learn about ongoing rhino conservation in Zimbabwe and Xwe Bushmen tribes in Namibia. This overland camping trip brings you everything wild and wonderful about Southern Africa plus a crew of good pals to take it all in with.

Før  NOK 24 845 fra NOK 22 355 fly ikke inkludert



Kiboko Adventures
Deserts, Rivers & Wildlife Adventure - Southbound

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: WTKS

Reisen begynner: Victoria Falls

Reisen slutter: Windhoek

A modified version of our longer TransKalahari Adventure, this tour offers an abundance of scenic, wildlife and cultural attractions. Walk the highest sand dunes in the world in the Namib Desert; explore the Okavango Delta by mokoro, boat tour and nature walks; see the wild animals of Etosha National Park; relax along the Cubango and Chobe Rivers ending with the unforgettable sight of Victoria Falls - experience this exciting route in Overlanding style with Kiboko!

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Bartman Travel
Botswana 10 Days Authentic Safari

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: MB10D

Reisen begynner: Maun

Reisen slutter: Kasana

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Vic Falls to Cape Town

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: YXOF

Reisen begynner: Victoria Falls

Reisen slutter: Cape Town

Experience the extremes of southern Africa’s landscapes on this trip that travels from the thunderous Victoria Falls to cosmopolitan Cape Town, travel down lush waterways in the enigmatic Okavango Delta, cruise past elephants and birds on the Chobe River, climb giant sand dunes in Namibia, camp to the sounds of Africa's wildlife and spot big cats, rhinos, zebras and antelopes on Etosha National Park's arid plains. Visit the people who make their homes here, from mokoro polers on the delta to the San people of Namibia.

fra NOK 32 935 fly ikke inkludert



Botswana Wildlife Safari

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: BW

Reisen begynner: 

Reisen slutter: 

Trek through Botswana's remote wilderness to track Africa's wildlife. Spot elephants, big cats, hippos and more on game drives exploring several African greats, from Chobe National Park to Moremi Game Reserve. At night, drift off to the sound of the bush, wild camping beneath the African sky. Finish up with a two-night cruise on the Okavango River before soaking in the wonder of Victoria Falls. African greats - Spend six days on safari, exploring Botswana's finest game reserves, including Chobe and Moremi. Sleep in the wild - Get closer to Botswana's nature and experience genuine African wild camping, staying at camps near the reserves. Cruise the Okavango River - Search for water-dwelling wildlife in the remote area of the delta and stay aboard our exclusive houseboat.

fra NOK 48 790 fly ikke inkludert



Kiboko Adventures
Namib to Falls Adventure - Northbound

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: WGTN

Reisen begynner: Windhoek

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

A modified version of our longer Great Trek Adventure, this tour offers an abundance of scenic, wildlife and cultural attractions. Walk the highest sand dunes in the world in the Namib Desert; see the wild animals of Etosha National Park; experience the untamed beauty of the Okavango Delta and relax along the Chobe River ending with the unforgettable sight of Victoria Falls - experience this exciting route on a fully serviced camping safari.

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Family Botswana and Zimbabwe Safari Adventure

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: FOA

Reisen begynner: 

Reisen slutter: 

Gather the family for an adventure through Africa's last untouched wilderness. Explore Zimbabwe and Botswana, ticking off two world-renowned reserves, Chobe National Park and Moremi Game Reserve, and spotting wildlife from elephants to lions and cheetahs. Float along the Okavango River, taking in the sunset from the top deck of our houseboat. With several nights camping in the bush, this family holiday brings you as close to Africa's wild side as you can get. Moremi Game Reserve - Spot cheetahs and lions on game drives in the reserve's expanse of unspoilt wilderness. Okavango Delta Panhandle - Explore the Okavango River with a two-night cruise on our exclusive houseboat. Chobe National Park - Look out for herds of elephants and more wildlife in the world-famous Chobe National Park. Wild camping - Fall to sleep to the sound of the African bush with several nights camping within the reserves.

fra NOK 42 415 fly ikke inkludert



Kiboko Adventures
Kruger to Falls Adventure - Southbound

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: KFS

Reisen begynner: VICTORIA FALLS

Reisen slutter: JOHANNESBURG

The Kruger National Park receives over 1.4 million visitors a year, and it’s no surprise why people keep going back. Spanning an incredible 352km from north to south, the park is made up of 1.9 million hectares of diverse vegetation and unique habitats. The range of fauna and flora found in the Kruger National Park is some of the most diverse the country has to offer. The park boasts 147 mammal species, such as hippopotamus, giraffe, zebra, buffalo, warthog, antelope and hyena, as well as over 500 species of bird and as many as 16 macro ecozones. A well-known Big Five destination, the park is a popular choice for ticking lion, buffalo, leopard, rhino (black and white) and elephant off your bucket-list of must-sees. Kruger is also home to the endangered wild-dog and cheetah, which make for incredibly special early evening sightings. Winter is the best time for game viewing in the park since the summer rains begin to dry up, often coaxing wildlife to watering holes. Winter temperatures in the park average 15 degrees Celsius, but can drop in the early morning and evening, so warm clothing for game drives is recommended. The summer months (October to April) are scenically beautiful, but the temperatures average 27 degrees Celsius and the heat can be quite extreme. This also means that wildlife retreat to shady, secluded areas. Travelers to the Kruger National Park have the choice of an array of accommodation option, ranging from luxury tented camps and well-appointed safari lodges, to self-catering bungalows and basic camping. Whether you want to be pampered or make use of your camping equipment, there’s something for every budget.

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G Adventures
Zimbabwe & Botswana: Chobe, Hwange & Lake Kariba

Passer for: Kun voksne

Turkode: DZVV

Reisen begynner: Victoria Falls

Reisen slutter: Victoria Falls

Big news: safariing in Africa is no longer a sedentary affair with this 10-day adventure that takes you truly off the beaten path. Explore Lake Kariba by boat and discover Matusadona National Park — one of Zimbabwe's hidden gems — on your own two feet. Glamp in Chobe National park and cross through Hwange National Park on an open-air train car, staying on the lookout for elephants the entire time. If you've come looking for the adventure of a lifetime, this is it.

fra NOK 95 680 fly ikke inkludert



G Adventures
Southern Africa: National Parks of Zimbabwe & Kruger Wildlife Tracking

Passer for: Kun voksne

Turkode: DZVC

Reisen begynner: Victoria Falls

Reisen slutter: Cape Town

What would a three-week adventure of a lifetime look like in Africa? For starters, it would have up-close wildlife encounters guided by experts in their field, along with safari experiences that take your breath away. It would have walking, biking, kayaking, and hiking. It would bring you closer to the communities that welcome you and invite you to know their home, and their life. It would be thrilling, relaxing, and invigorating, all at the same time. It would be, you guessed it, this 20-day trip through the very best of Southern Africa — all the bells and whistles included.

fra NOK 164 955 fly ikke inkludert



Bartman Travel
David’s Adventure Safari

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: BB

Reisen begynner: Moremi

Reisen slutter: Kasane

Commence an unforgettable journey through the wild heart of Botswana on a 9-day adventure safari, tailored for the budget-conscious traveler. Our 8-night mobile safari takes you deep into the wilderness and encompasses the Okavango Delta and Khwai area of Moremi Game Reserve, Savuti and Chobe riverfront of Chobe National Park. Experience the thrill of encountering Botswana’s majestic wildlife up close while staying within your budget. For those seeking to extend their adventure, we offer a 2 night add-on into the awe-inspiring Victoria Falls. Here, you can indulge in adrenaline-pumping activities such as river rafting, hiking, or even swimming in the legendary Devils Pool. Join us for an affordable yet exhilarating safari experience of a lifetime!

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Upgraded - Botswana Wildlife Safari

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: DOZ

Reisen begynner: 

Reisen slutter: 

A safari through Botswana and Zimbabwe, exploring Chobe National Park, visiting the thundering Victoria Falls and sleeping aboard a houseboat in the vast Okavango Delta Panhandle. Spend time searching for wildlife including elephant, hippos and lion within remote wilderness. Premium Lodges - The finest game viewing from comfortable hand-picked lodges Okavango Delta Panhandle - Explore the most prolific inland delta of Africa Chobe National Park - Discover the stunning wildlife, including some of Africa's largest elephants herds. Upgraded Range - Immerse yourself in picturesque Botswana with our hand-picked selection of Premium hotels

fra NOK 77 875 fly ikke inkludert



Bartman Travel
David’s Adventure Safari

Passer for: Barn tillat

Turkode: BBK

Reisen begynner: Maun

Reisen slutter: Kasane

Commence an unforgettable journey through the wild heart of Botswana on a 9-day adventure safari, tailored for the budget-conscious traveler. Our 8-night mobile safari takes you deep into the wilderness and encompasses the Okavango Delta and Khwai area of Moremi Game Reserve, Savuti and Chobe riverfront of Chobe National Park. Experience the thrill of encountering Botswana’s majestic wildlife up close while staying within your budget. For those seeking to extend their adventure, we offer a 2 night add-on into the awe-inspiring Victoria Falls. Here, you can indulge in adrenaline-pumping activities such as river rafting, hiking, or even swimming in the legendary Devils Pool. Join us for an affordable yet exhilarating safari experience of a lifetime!

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January 2025